The importance of SEO: Keys to investing in SEO

The importance of SEO for companies
It is nothing new that users are increasingly browsing the Internet and that the content that the user encounters is conditioned by factors and digital marketing techniques. The ways to reach content in the digital environment are varied, what is certain is that search engines are increasingly being used to find information.
Nor is it anything new that there are still companies that do not invest in organic positioning, either because of ignorance or because they do not consider it a priority for their company. But is it true that all companies need to invest in SEO? The answer is yes, although not all of them need to focus on the same type of SEO. The answer is no, not everyone needs it, but the vast majority do, although not all of them need to focus on the same type of SEO. For example, perhaps there are companies that do not need to have a website, but they do need a Google My Business or of a Youtube channel, which need to be positioned as well. Any company needs an online presence, and every online presence involves, at some point, actions related to SEO.
Why is SEO important? Reasons to Invest in SEO
- Organic traffic is generally the main source of traffic on a website. According to the Search Engine Journal, the largest search engine in the world- Google- owns 75% of the total search market. Although there are other search engines such as Baidu, Bing, Yandex or DuckDuckGo, YouTube is the second most used search engine by users.
- It generates trust and credibility in users, which not only influences the visibility of the brand (branding) but also the conversion rate.
- Your competition is investing in SEO; if you don't invest, you'll be left behind. And if your competitors aren't investing in it, you can stand out and embrace more business.
- Having a website and not having visitors? Having a website requires an expenditure of resources, so having it and not worrying about its positioning is a waste of those resources.
- It is often said that it is a long-term job, and, broadly speaking, it is true if we compare it to other digital marketing activities. However, it is also true that on many occasions, certain technical adjustments will have a positive impact on our positioning.
SEO is still alive, and it's constantly being renewed
It has been stated several times that SEO was dead, but we couldn't disagree more. Natural positioning techniques are evolving; SEO isn't dead precisely because it's constantly changing. Thus, changes in algorithms, new trends in search engines and how they interact with users, etc. are not static, so SEO specialists and consultants must be informed, try new techniques and be constantly reviewed.
According to this Article by ForbeS, SEO work has to be continuous and requires extensive skills, in addition, according to this article, having an SEO expert has a positive impact on ROI: “Hiring an expert or, better yet, a firm of experts, can streamline the process and maximize the ROI —Return on Investment.”

Keys to investing in SEO
You have decided that you need to hire an SEO expert or an agency to support your internal team, perfect. But you probably have a lot of questions about what you should ask for, what you can expect, what type of tasks will be carried out, etc. This is why we give you key information when it comes to investing in SEO.
What Does an SEO Specialist Do?
An SEO specialist or consultant knows in depth the factors that influence search engine optimization. This knowledge allows him to put into practice a series of methods, based on analytical, technical and creative competencies.
An SEO expert will analyze the state of a website and those digital environments related to it. It will carry out audits, analyze data, make an SEO strategy defining measurable objectives, create an optimization plan and implement changes both on the web and outside it to achieve those objectives.
Often the figure of SEO is not understood within companies, there is no understanding of its function and, therefore, in many cases it is not given the importance it deserves.
Investing in SEO: Basic Issues
To invest in SEO it is necessary, first, to be clear about our objectives. Without defined and quantifiable objectives, it will be very difficult to get it right, in addition to the fact that it can cause frustration on both sides.
Second, we must be aware of the current state of our website. For this reason, at the beginning of the project, it is necessary to put on the table, either in auditing format or in another format, how our website works in everything that may affect SEO, from usability to technical errors or previous work done in terms of on-page strategy.
Third, what resources do I have to deal with an external SEO service? The internal and external teams must be connected and for this purpose, time is needed for meetings and tasks that can only be carried out by internal staff, so this must be taken into account.
Investing in SEO: Advanced Issues
To invest in organic positioning, it is necessary, in addition to the above issues, to have a minimum of knowledge in SEO: you don't need to know much, but you do need to be familiar with some terms and types of tasks. This is why we introduce you to some useful terms:
Keyword study: In English, keyword research. El keyword study allows us to know what type of terms to use on our pages. It is a process that must be done on an ongoing basis, but it is of the utmost importance when we design a website.
Page depth: It refers to the number of clicks a user needs to reach a specific page from the main page by the shortest path. For example, a page linked from the home page has a depth of 2. If a page needs more than 3 clicks to be found, search engines will have a harder time crawling it compared to a page available in a single click.
SERP: It stands for “Search Engine Result Page”. This is basically the search results page. It is very often used to talk about improving positions in the SERPs.
Backlinks: These are inbound links to your website from other pages. The number of backlinks on your page, as well as their quality, are very important because the more relevant pages link to you, the more notoriety and authority your website will have.
Meta Tags: These data in html code are extremely important for on-page optimization. It provides information both to the user in search results and to search engines.
How much time do you need to invest in SEO per month?
It will depend on the size of your website, the current situation of your website and your objectives. There will be companies that with 15 hours will have enough to carry out continuous optimization; others that will need to invest 50 hours or more, especially when you want to make complex changes or you want to invest in a Linkbuilding strategy. It will be necessary to analyze the needs of each case and prioritize tasks to be more effective.
How can we help you?
If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us.
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